
Even after you win a collections lawsuit, you may not simply receive a check for the money you were awarded in a judgment. What is often more misunderstood by clients is that the court will not assist you in collecting your judgment.

Collecting from solvent individuals or businesses isn’t usually a problem, because most will pay any judgments entered against them. If they don’t, there are a number of legal remedies available to force payment.

We represent businesses and individuals in all aspects of collections, including obtaining and collecting judgments from debtors, performing asset searches, providing loan documentation, instituting and defending foreclosures, domesticating foreign judgments and in other pre- and post-judgment collection activities.

As a business owner or manager, you are responsible for managing your company’s receivables. When you need help collecting on your receivables, you can turn the receivables over to an attorney who will focus on protecting your interests, whether the end result is a negotiation for settlement or taking the claim to court. When you are dealing with a debt that needs to be collected in Florida, we encourage you to consult with us to gain a thorough understanding of your options.

Debt collection practices are governed by the Federal Fair Debt Collections Practices Act and the Florida Consumer Collection Practices Act.